CREATIVE CHALLENGE ALERT Ready to create my new Vogue China cover? Remix this image on PicsArt and if it is REALLY cool your artwork will become the printed cover of @VogueChina September issue. This is the very first collaborative cover signed by #voguechina and #picsart community!
Please make me EXTRA COOL If I convinced you, do it on PicsArt now! Only 2 days left!
1 Download PicsArt and enter the #VOGUECHINAxPICSART 48h challenge
2 Edit my image by using all of your creativity and imagination
3 Post your artwork on PicsArt using the #VogueChinaCoverChallenge & #VOGUECHINAxPICSART
4 @PicsArt and its community will select the top 9 remixes, and the final list will be announced at @VogueChina Instagram and Weibo account
5 our very special Vogue jury, led by the incredible Editor-in-Chief @angelica_cheung, amazing photographer @solvesundsbostudio and myself will choose the final winner
6 the final winner remix will be printed on THE COVER OF VOGUE CHINA I mean (link in bio start remixing )